

Look back on the progress of HIROSHIMAʼs revival and
draw a vision of the future with the people of the world.

立ち上がるヒロシマ 1952 写真 立ち上がるヒロシマ 1952 写真 立ち上がるヒロシマ 1952 写真 立ち上がるヒロシマ 1952 写真 立ち上がるヒロシマ 1952 写真 立ち上がるヒロシマ 1952 写真 立ち上がるヒロシマ 1952 写真 立ち上がるヒロシマ 1952 写真 立ち上がるヒロシマ 1952 写真 立ち上がるヒロシマ 1952 写真

「立ち上がるヒロシマ 1952」 出典/岩波写真文庫アーカイヴス

Tachiagaru Hiroshima 1952 (Rising Hiroshima, 1952) / Source: Iwanami Shashin Bunko Archives



「Promise to Yourself」をはじめワークショップご参加の前に、ぜひ資料に触れてみてください。

1) Learn about HIROSHIMA

There remains a cenotaph in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park,
where the Mayor of Hiroshima reads out the Peace Declaration every year on August 6th.
The very first Peace Declaration reveals part of the beginning of HIROSHIMAʼs revival.

It was said that after the atomic bombing, nothing would grow in HIROSHIMA for 75 years.
As we pass through the 75th year since the atomic bombing,
we need to remember the path that HIROSHIMA has taken and what it means to us.
Before you make the Promise to Yourself and join the workshops, please take a moment to look at the material.


「立ち上がるヒロシマ 1952」


Tachiagaru Hiroshima 1952 (Rising Hiroshima, 1952)
Source: Iwanami Shashin Bunko Archives

On August 6, 1952, Iwanami Shashin Bunko published Hiroshima - Senso to Toshi (Hiroshima - War and the City), about the destruction caused by the atomic bomb. However, most of the photos taken by and Yonosuke Natori Shigeichi Nagano were not featured, leaving more than 100 rolls of film unused. The formerly unpublished portraits include scenes of the Peace Memorial Museum under construction, the A-Bomb Dome, souvenir shops, and activity in the markets and downtown area.


Original writing by the professor who conceived the inscription on the Cenotaph for the A-bomb Victims and the first Hiroshima Peace Declaration
Source: Hiroshima City Archives

Peace Declaration (1947)

Today, on this second anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, we, Hiroshima's citizens, renew our commitment to the establishment of peace by celebrating a Peace Festival at this site, and expressing our burning desire for peace.

The citizens of Hiroshima will never be able to forget August 6, 1945. On that morning, exactly two years ago today, the first atomic bomb to be unleashed on a city in the history of mankind fell on Hiroshima; it instantly reduced the city to ashes and claimed the precious lives of more than 100,000 of our fellow citizens. Hiroshima turned into a city of death and darkness. Yet as some slight consolation for this horror, the dropping of the atomic bomb became a factor in ending the war and calling a halt to the fighting. In this sense, mankind must remember that August 6 was a day that brought a chance for world peace. This is the reason why we are now commemorating that day by solemnly inaugurating a festival of peace, despite the limitless sorrow in our minds. For only those who most bitterly experienced and came to know most completely the misery and the guilt of war can utterly reject war as the most terrible kind of human suffering, and ardently pursue peace.

This horrible weapon brought about a "Revolution of Thought," which has convinced us of the necessity and the value of eternal peace. That is to say, because of this atomic bomb, the people of the world have become aware that a global war in which atomic energy would be used would lead to the end of our civilization and extinction of mankind.

This revolution in thinking ought to be the basis for an absolute peace, and imply the birth of new life and a new world. We know that, when in a crisis discover a new truth and a new path from the crisis itself, by reflecting deeply and beginning afresh. If this is true, what we have to do at this moment is to strive with all our might towards peace, becoming forerunners of a new civilization. Let us join to sweep away from this earth the horror of war, and to build a true peace. Let us join in renouncing war eternally, and building a plan for world peace on this earth.

Here, under this peace tower, we thus make a declaration of peace.

August 6, 1947
Shinzo Hamai
President of Hiroshima Peace Festival Association
Mayor of Hiroshima City



A Message from the Reconstruction of HIROSHIMA
Source: JICA Chugoku

An introduction of Hiroshima Prefecture and City’s experiences and knowledge regarding the roles and efforts of local governments in postwar reconstruction with a focus on 1) forming and sharing principles regarding reconstruction, 2) the mayor’s leadership and conviction of administrative officers, 3) smooth transition adapting to each stage of reconstruction, 4) collaboration between national, prefectural, and municipal government, and 5) collaboration between residents and the government.




Hiroshima’s Path to Reconstruction
Source: Hiroshima Prefecture

A compilation of surveys and research on the reconstruction process after the destruction of Hiroshima by the atomic bomb in social areas including city planning, industry/economy, and health/medical care, among other fields, with an overview of Hiroshima’s footsteps through modern history, followed by wartime and the dropping of the atomic bombing, starting over from ruins, and the path to reconstruction.

2) SDGsを学ぶ

2015年9月25日の国連総会で持続可能な開発目標(Sustainable Development Goals/ SDGs)が採択されました。

2) Learn about SDGs

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on September 25, 2015.
Learn about them as a common goal connecting the world from now on.

出典/広島県 https://hiroshimaforpeace.com/sdgs-and-peace/about-sdgs/

2015年9月25日の国連総会で持続可能な開発目標(Sustainable Development Goals/ SDGs)が採択されました。
SDGsとは,Sustainable Development Goals の略称で,持続可能な開発目標を指します。2030年までに持続可能な社会をつくるために,私たちの世界が直面する喫緊の環境,政治,経済の課題に対して発展途上国と先進国がともに取り組む普遍的目標です。この持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)は17のゴールと169のターゲットから構成されており,地球上の「誰一人取り残さない(leave no one behind)」ことを誓っています。SDGsは,人間の尊厳を奪う貧困へのグローバルな取り組みとして2000年にスタートしたミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)の後継となる目標です。MDGsの成功を土台としつつ,気候変動や経済的不平等,イノベーション,持続可能な消費,平和と正義などの新たな分野を優先課題として盛り込んでいます。ある目標を達成するためには,むしろ別の目標と広く関連づけられる問題にも取り組まねばならないことが多いという点で,目標はすべて相互持続的といえます。

About Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Source: Hiroshima Prefecture https://hiroshimaforpeace.com/en/sdgs-and-peace/about-sdgs/

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were formally adopted on 25 September 2015 by United Nations General Assembly.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal goals that every countries take action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. SDGs are composed of 17 Goals and 169 Targets and the pledge to leave no one behind.
The SDGs replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which started a global effort in 2000 to tackle the indignity of poverty. Building on the success and momentum of the MDGs, the new goals cover more ground, with ambitions to address inequalities, economic growth, decent jobs, cities and human settlements, industrialization, oceans, ecosystems, energy, climate change, sustainable consumption and production, peace and justice.