Upcoming Event !!
ONE DREAM 2022 25th Anniversary Edition
2022.12.4 sun. 11:00-21:00
at 基町クレドメディア&スペース


「せかいと、未来をデザインする」をテーマに、世界各地からも参加可能なONE DREAM バーチャルワークショップに、ぜひご参加ください☆
ONE DREAM is a series of peace events that carry on the tradition of the peace concerts that began 24 years ago in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome.
In 2021, the events will be held virtually under the banner, Designing Our World and Our Future, Part 2. Please share the ONE DREAM with images of about how you wish the world to be. Send your messages and photos with the name of your country or region. Through art, all of us who live with different cultures and values can join together as one, giving us an opportunity to find a way towards a future that we commonly desire.
Please join us☆
virtual top image
virtual top image2

あなたの「ONE DREAM」、


Post your ONE DREAM

Share your unique message about how you wish the future of the world to be.
This will bring the dreams of all of us living in different cultures and values together and unite them in art,
creating a space to feel the diversity of a future that others desire, too.


Help design the future with your post!

virtual sample virtual sample virtual sample virtual sample virtual sample virtual sample virtual sample virtual sample




Take a look as the photos and videos on the LEARN page and learn about how Hiroshima has revived from what happened 75 years ago and about the SDGs.

2. Share Your Peace


○ 参加方法


○ ハッシュタグ

#shareyourpeace_virtualworkshop #onedreamforever

○ SNSで見る

Share a photo showing a special moment of peace that is close to you and makes you think, “I wish the world could have more times like this.”

○ How to participate

Post a photo on Instagram with the name of your country and the following hashtags.

○ Hashtags

#shareyourpeace_virtualworkshop #onedreamforever


3. Promise To Yourself


○ 参加方法

  • サイト上にあるハート型のメッセージカードをダウンロードし、メッセージを書いてハッシュタグを付け写真をInstagram / facebookに投稿
  • あなたが自由に作ったハート形にメッセージを書いてハッシュタグを 付けInstagram / facebookに投稿
  • ハッシュタグを付けテキストメッセージをTwitterに投稿

○ ハッシュタグ

#promisetoyourself_virtualworkshop #onedreamforever

○ メッセージカード

2020 marked the 75th year since it was said that nothing would grow in HIROSHIMA for 75 years after the atomic bombing.
Look at the material on the LEARN page about how HIROSHIMA’s revival began and how it progressed. Then tell us one promise to yourself that you can make, to make our future more beautiful.

○ How to participate

  • Download the heart-shaped message card from our Instagram or Facebook page, write a message on it and post a photo of it with hashtags.
  • Make your own heart shape, write a message on it and post it on our Instagram and/ or Facebook site with hashtags.
  • Post a text message on Twitter with two hashtags.
NOTE: Add the name of the country that you live in, with the following hashtags.

○ Hashtags

#promisetoyourself_virtualworkshop #onedreamforever

○ Heart-shaped message card

4. World Peace Hero


○ 参加方法


○ ハッシュタグ

#人物名(英語・母国語)#お住いの国 #worldpeacehero_virtualworkshop #onedreamforever

○ SNSで見る

Please tell us the name of the person you think has made the greatest contribution to world peace in the past on Twitter. (Non-living)

○ How to participate

Please make a Instagram/Twitter post and attach the hero’s name (English and native language), country of residence, and the three following hashtags.

○ Hashtags

#Name (English and native language)#(country of residence)#worldpeacehero_virtualworkshop#onedreamforever


5. SDGs Origami

(イラスト提供:LISA GRUE)

○ 参加方法

自身の選んだSDGsのゴールに対応する折り紙をONE DREAMのサイトからダウンロード、その折り紙を使用した作品を写真に撮り、お住まいの国名と以下の3種類のハッシュタグを付け、Instagramに投稿してください。

○ ハッシュタグ


○ SDGs折り紙


○ SNSで見る

To create a wonderful future, please choose from 1-17 of the SDGs goals that you will consciously incorporate into your daily life in 2021, create a work of art using the SDGs origami corresponding to your choice, take a photo and post it.
(Illustrations courtesy of Lisa Grue)

○ How to participate

Download the origami corresponding to your SDGs from the ONE DREAM site. Take a photo of your work using the origami and post it on instagram with the name of your country and the three hashtags below.

○ Hashtags


○ SDGs Origami


Message from the Mayor (2020)


23年前に始まった平和コンサートを継承する「ONE DREAM 2020 ~ARTS×SDGs×the BEAUTIFUL WORLD~」の開催おめでとうございます。

「せかいと、未来をデザインする」をテーマとする「ONE DREAM」の今年の活動として、未来に向けたメッセージを「75年目の約束」として綴られるとのことですが、私から皆さんにお願いしたいことがあります。
皆さんは、慰霊碑の「安らかに眠って下さい 過ちは繰返しませぬから」(Let all the souls here rest in peace ; For we shall not repeat the evil.)という碑文を御存じと思いますが、この碑文の意味を考えたことがありますか?


広島市長 松井 一實

I would first like to offer my heartfelt congratulations on the One Dream 2020 – Arts×SDGs×The Beautiful World, a peace event that continues the legacy of the Peace Concert which began 23 years ago.
I would also like to express my deepest appreciation for this event which conveys the spirit of world peace and the beauty of the arts to people around the globe from the bank of the Motoyasu-gawa River right here in Hiroshima, a city that aims to be an international peace culture city, each year

The theme of One Dream this year is Designing the Future with the World, with the main focus on creating messages for the future under the title 75th Year Promises.
I have one request to make to those contributing messages to this project: I am sure that all of you are familiar with the inscription, “Let all the souls here rest in peace, for we shall not repeat the evil” on the Cenotaph for the A-Bomb Victims, but have you taken the time to consider the meaning of these words?
After the bombing, the hibakusha must have harbored resentment towards the country and the people who bombed their city;
however, as time went on, they realized that instead of holding on to their bitterness, they must find a way to rid the world of tragedies like the one they experienced lest it be repeated.
This is why they pray that no one else ever suffers as they have, a prayer that continues long after their names have been written in the registries which lie beneath the stone coffin of the cenotaph.
Many of those who have stood before the cenotaph with its stone coffin for the victims of atomic bombing have taken the earnest will of the hibakusha to heart and pledged that they will not repeat the evil so that the victims may rest in peace.
I ask all of you to take this very same pledge.

Let us make this pledge our 75th Year Promise and work towards realizing this promise together.

July 1, 2020
MATSUI Kazumi Mayor
The City of Hiroshima



1. 応募作品に関する表明保証


(4)第三者との契約の対象となっていないこと。また、一般社団法人one dreamが応募作品に関連して、いかなる人物または企業に対しても、知的財産権等の利用に伴う対価を支払う責任を負わないこと。
(8)一般社団法人one dreamの評判、業務上の信用に悪影響を及ぼす内容が含まれていないこと。

2. 応募作品の使用と著作権等

(1)ご応募いただいた作品は、キャンペーン宣伝の一環や、ONE DREAMのイベント会場で、作品が使用される可能性がございます(非営利目的に限る)。その他の目的には使用いたしません。
(2)応募作品について、著作権は応募者に帰属するものとし、著作物等知的財産権に関するトラブルが発生した場合、応募者自身の費用と責任において解決するものとします。一般社団法人one dreamは一切責任を負いません。

3. 個人情報について

(1)一般社団法人one dreamは、本イベントに関連して応募者から提供いただいた個人情報についてONE DREAMの事業の目的の達成に必要な範囲で利用します。また、法令の規定に基づく場合を除き、応募者の承諾なしに、当該目的以外の目的で個人情報を利用または第三者に提供することはいたしません。

4. 守秘義務について


5. 免責

一般社団法人one dreamは、以下の各号に該当する場合においても、一切責任を負いません。

(3)応募者が応募要項に違反したまたはそのおそれがあると一般社団法人one dreamが判断して応募の取消等の必要な措置を講じた場合に、当該応募者が被った損害

1. Applicant Representation and Warranties

Applicants are deemed to have represented and warranted the following:

1) That the work is the applicant’s original and has not been made public in Japan or in any other country nation, or territory,
2) That the work does not infringe upon third party rights (including, but not limited to copyrights, moral rights, trademarks, corporate secrets, logos, portrait or privacy rights, or other intellectual property rights),
3) That the work has not been entered or exhibited in any competition prior to the contest application,
4) That the work is not bound by contract with a third party and that ONE DREAM shall not be liable to any person or company for the use of intellectual property rights or any other rights in connection with the submitted work,
5) That the work does not include content that identifies a specific individual or group,
6) That the work does not include content that slanders a specific individual or group,
7) That the work does not include content to solicit or promote specific individuals, companies, products, or any other means,
8) That the work does not contain any content that adversely affects the reputation and business credibility of ONE DREAM,
9) That the work does not contain obscene, sexual, or unpleasant content (racism, sexism, among others),
10) That the work does not contain violent, unreasonable, or inappropriate content,
11) That the work does not violate any applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, or contain content that encourages or administers acts of crime, and
12) That if any of the above matters (1 to 11) is found to be violated, appropriate measures will be taken, including deletion of the submitted work without obtaining the permission of the applicant.

2. Use and Copyrights of Submitted Worksk

1) All submitted works may be used as part of a campaign promotion or at ONE DREAM events (for non-commercial purposes only). They will not be used for any other purposes.
2) Copyrights of submitted works belong to the applicants. Any issues regarding intellectual property rights, such as copyrighted material, shall be resolved at the applicant’s own expense and responsibility. ONE DREAM will not be liable for any problems that may arise.

3. Personal Information

1) ONE DREAM will use personal information provided by applicants in connection with this event to the extent necessary to achieve the business objectives of ONE DREAM. Personal information will not be used or provided to a third party for any other purposes without the consent of the applicant, except in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

4. Duty of Confidentiality

Applicants shall not use or provide to a third party any information about other applicants that they have learned in connection with this event for any purpose other than that purpose of this event.

5. Disclaimer

ONE DREAM shall not be responsible or liable for any of the following:

1) Damages suffered by the applicant or a third party as a result of work submission,
2) Damages suffered by the applicant while managing, posting, or any other handling of the submitted work, or
3) Damages suffered by the applicant when ONE DREAM determines that the applicant has violated or is likely to violate the application guideline and takes necessary measures including cancellation of the application.


Make a donation or be a sponsor!


一般社団法人 one dreamは、2015年4月にスタートした非営利の団体です。
『ONE DREAM Virtual Workshop』をはじめとした平和構築を目的とした各種アートイベントの制作・運営を行っており、みなさまからのご協力によって運営されています。



operates with help from all of you.

one dream is a non-profit organization that started in April 2015.
Every year, we produce and hold events such as ONE DREAM hiroshima at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Water Terrace on August 5th.
ONE DREAM hiroshima and ONE DREAM miyajima are non-revenue operations held thanks to your support.
We are always looking for companies to cooperate with us so that we can continue to offer more fulfilling events.
Please feel free to contact us.


We invite companies, organizations, and individuals to sponsor us for better event operation.

Please forward your remittance to the following account.

Event Archives



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